It’s Economic Blackout Day!
Today, Feb. 28, 2025, has been designated “Economic Blackout Day” , a day to avoid shopping in major corporate stores such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and the… Continue Reading It’s Economic Blackout Day!
Today, Feb. 28, 2025, has been designated “Economic Blackout Day” , a day to avoid shopping in major corporate stores such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and the… Continue Reading It’s Economic Blackout Day!
From World Without War comes this call to action: The thousands of military bases, both foreign and domestic, around the world are a critical piece of the war… Continue Reading Global Day of Action to Close Military Bases: February 23, 2025
by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, 2023 A Review The authors of this book, who are in favor of a multiracial (probably a multicultural) democracy, show us how… Continue Reading The Tyranny of the Minority
Reprinted from Elderberries. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are themes that my wife (Lyn Dalzell) and I have embraced in our community ministry. We know that… Continue Reading Ministry: Organizing for Health Equity
Labor Day 2023 Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community supports the Starbucks workers who are organizing democratic labor unions. Our Unitarian Universalists principles affirm the “the inherent… Continue Reading UUJEC Supports Starbucks Workers (and others)
Hooray for Hollywood! Well, maybe not right now. The UUJEC stands with the Writers’ Guild of America (WGA), which has been on strike for a month— not only… Continue Reading WGA Needs a 21st-Century Wage System
Unitarian Universalists have a true friend in AFL-CIO! I reviewed UUA social witness statements from the 21st century. I found that with our most pressing issues, the AFL-CIO… Continue Reading UUs and AFL-CIO Are True Partners
by Francis Fukuyama, 2002 A Review: Enlightenment Principles Sure Beat Identity Politics, but We Need Global Principles to Survive Fukuyama adopts a welcome centrist approach to classical liberalism:… Continue Reading Liberalism and its Discontents
by Christopher Hitchens, 2002 A Review: Orwell as Integrity, Defying Both Left and Right As “Orwellian” attitudes and behavior spread on both the Woke Left and Conspiracy-Theory Right,… Continue Reading Why Orwell Matters
A Study of ‘Brainwashing’ in China by Robert Jay Lifton, 1961 A Review: A Gripping Study of Brainwashing – a Real Classic You’ll not only see through a… Continue Reading Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism