UUJEC News & Views

UUJEC publishes a quarterly newsletter, the UUJEC News & Views, generally in March, June, October, and December.
Here you may download our issues past and present.

  • Summer 2024 (PDF File) UUJEC Goes to GA • Next Up for UUJEC • Illinois’ Citzen Climate Bill • Wendell Potter’s Magic Translation Box • Letters • About Health: News from Across the Country • CEO Pay Ratio: The Rich Get Richer
  • Spring 2024 (PDF file) 4 Amendments on the GA Agenda • UUJEC Thursdays • GA Cohorts • Article II Revision Vote—Final! • UUJEC @ GA: 2 of 4 Workshops Approved • Labor Update: Starbucks Victory! • Letters
  • Winter 2024 (PDF file) The Earth Bill • Supporting Starbucks Workers • Medicare Open Enrollment • Medicare and the UUA Insurance Plan • Comment to CMS • Paying to Get Paid • Conference: A Personal Reflection
  • Autumn 2023 (PDF file)
    Supporting Labor • Web Seminars • Conference • Medicare Advantage • Letters • Health Equity
  • Summer 2023 (PDF file)
    Our Action of Immediate Witness: CODE RED for Humanity • Annual Meeting: Chuck Collins • Our Founding Principles Statement • Meet Us at GA/UUJEC @GA! Booth 203 & Whova • For Pride Month • Medicare for All Reintroduced • Letters • Hospitals, Nursing Homes, & More: Fixing U.S. American Hospitals • Nursing Home Staffing
  • Spring 2023 (PDF file)
    Changing Narratives about Growing Food (event) • Tax the Rich! • Reducing Multigenerational Poverty through Sentencing Reform (event) • Sick Days & Buybacks on the Rails • Web Weaving • We Need the WATER Act • Spring Holidays for Justice • Protect Your Medicare! • Letters
  • Winter 2023 (PDF file)
    Debt Beyond Reason (event) • Medicare (dis)Advantage (event) • Why We Need Medicare for All • It’s (Past) Time for Universal Health Coverage • A Season of Many Holidays • All Workers Need Sick Days! • Reparations AIW • Letters • Georgism: Who Owns Natural Resources? • Update: Article II Study Commission