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Conferences and EventsLast post
2023: Farming for Our Future advocacy conferenceFollow-up discussion from the conference held at All Souls Church, Unitarian, Sept. 26–28.3 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: Farm Bill—again trying to resolve … · 12 months ago · Sally G.
Economic JusticeLast post
Federal PoliciesBe it federal law in Congress (Senate or House), one of the agencies (FTC, FCC, EPA, DoJ, you name it), if the subject is an economic injustice, a regulation that benefits “the 99%”, a suggestio or petition, this is the place!1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: FTC Prohibits Hidden Junk Fees · 1 month ago · WebWeaver
Task ForcesLast post
Peace, Equity, and Climate Task Forceclimate and environmental justice; military impact11 Topics · 13 PostsLast post: Degrowth · 4 months ago · WebWeaver
Reparations Task Forcepassing HR 40 and other issues of reparations2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: These Truths A History of the Unit … · 2 years ago · Rachel
Miltary Excessesending war and its impacts, from climate to human health0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!Subforums: Welcome, “Peace for Intergenerational & Climate Justice” Visitors
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UUA General AssemblyLast post
Article II ProposalHere is a place to discuss the Article II proposal and suggested amendments.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Transformation or Accountability? · 2 years ago · WebWeaver
2023 Actions of Immediate Witness (AsIW)Discussion of the proposed AsIW at GA 2023.2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: UUJEC Endorses 2023 AsIW · 2 years ago · WebWeaver
2024 Actions of Immediate Witness (AsIW)a place to discuss this year’s AIW—see also discusss.uua.org1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: World on Fire:  Humanitarian Work … · 7 months ago · WebWeaver