UUJEC at GA2024
We look forward to seeing folks online for General Assembly 2024. We have two on-demand workshops planned, three entries in the Poster Fair and two proposed Actions of Immediate Witness.
On-Demand Workshops
You may find UUJEC-sponsored workshops on the Whova “app”; once released, they will be on our YouTube channel and embedded on this site. Learn more.
- Organizing for Health Equity
- Sustaining and Growing Democracy in 2024
Actions of Immediate Witness
The UUJEC is pleased to support three Actions of Immediate Witness (AsIW) accepted for the GA 2024 delegates to vote on. Visit the UUJEC Endorsements page.
- Seize the Day: Election Day and Beyond (Rejected)
- World on Fire: Humanitarian Work and Climate Change (Accepted)
- Solidarity with Palestinians (Accepted)
- Centering Love Amidst the Ongoing Impact of COVID-19 (Accepted)
Virtual Poster Fair
The VIRTUAL POSTER FAIR can be viewed in the Whova GA app – click or press on the “Posters” button. UUJEC has developed or supported the development of three entries this year. Once available to be shared, we will post them here.
Peace for Intergenerational and Climate Justice
Rapid climate change is CODE RED for Humanity. It requires urgent action to keep global temperature rise to a liveable 1.5°C by 2100. Governmental action is needed immediately, as the Department of Defense is the world’s largest contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions. Peace and diplomacy must outweigh the call to war.
Stopping Medicare’s Privatization: Hands Off Our Public Plan!
Medicare Advantage is neither Medicare nor an advantage. Corporate advertising uses a few inexpensive benefits to entice new seniors, hiding the programs’ limitations on providers and care—often discovered only when insurance falls short. By then, health-based underwriting prevents a switch to Original Medicare, and people go bankrupt or even die.
Class Aware: Class and Classism in Congregational Life
In the spirit of love, we must look at how class influences our relationships in this faith and seek to invite greater inclusion. We need to become more effective at welcoming and including people from all class backgrounds, and new language to better discuss the dynamics of class and classism.
UUA Resources
We encourage folks to check out the discussion board on the UUA Web site. We expect that there will be links to schedule documents, etc., in the “General Assembly 2024” category; create an account sign in, and discuss. If you want to discuss here among UUJEC folks, head on over to our forum, read what is there, and then log in or create an account if you have not yet, and chat with us!