Statements of Conscience
Escalating Income Inequality, 2017
Escalating Inequality CS/AI, June 2014
Immigration as a Moral Issue, 2013
Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, International Human Rights &
Justice, Racial Justice, Immigration
Ethical Eating: Food & Environmental Justice, 2011
Climate & Environmental Justice, Reproductive Health, Agriculture in Environmental Justice, Economic
Justice, Reproductive Health, International Engagement & Building Peace, Climate & Environmental Justice
Economic Globalization, 2003
Economic Justice, Socially Responsible Investing
Economic Injustice, Poverty, and Racism: We Can Make a Difference!, 2000
Economic Justice, Racial Justice
General Resolutions
Environmental Justice, 1994
Environmental Justice
Poverty and Unemployment, 1985
Economic Justice, Equal Opportunity
Sharing in the New Call to Peacemaking, 1979
International Peace & Conflict
UUA Resources on Economic Justice