Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC) is a vibrant progressive organization committed to economic justice for all. Our philosophy is rooted in the UU liberal religious tradition—to create a world of justice, equity, and compassion. Our work contributes to a broader movement for social change, in collaboration with the UUA, UU Service Committee and grassroots organizations. We seek to inspire UUs to study our society’s economic and social systems and to become advocates for justice.

Our current focus is challenging corporate dominance, with our members and allies participating and leading actions to raise the minimum wage, support community banks, credit unions & cooperatives, promote single-payer healthcare, estate tax reform, amending the constitution to remove “corporate personhood”, opposing unfair trade and globalization and ensuring access to available and affordable resources for all.
How our Principles Inform UUJEC’s work
Check out our legacy document created in UUJEC’s early days explaining how the UU Seven Principles guides UUJEC in our justice endeavors.
Our Vision
UUJEC ignites the passion for justice within the heart of every UU by channeling it into strategic actions that make a difference in people’s lives. UUJEC envisions a world that sustains all living beings, where all people share the riches of the planet, where all voices are heard, where the inherent worth and dignity of every person is recognized and affirmed as set forth in our Unitarian Universalist Principles.
We seek a sustainable earth community committed to world peace and justice through equity and compassion in human relations, economic democracy, not rule by the world’s wealthy, and respect for all beings.
What We Do
UJEC Engages, Educates, and Activates UU
Our mission of economic justice is to engage, educate & activate Unitarian Universalist individuals and congregations, social justice groups & community partners to fulfill our vision of positive systemic change. Using the dynamic process of study, strategy, direct action and reflection, we work, collaboratively, to “change the economic story from Empire to Earth Community.”
UUJEC Engages . . .
- We assist UUs to network and collaborate at the local and national level.
- We build partnerships with such local allies as Interfaith Worker Justice, Healthcare-NOW!, Move to Amend, and Minimum & Living Wage campaigns.
- We strengthen key UU multicongregational alliances throughout the country and present workshops at UUA District meetings, churches and at GA.
UUJEC brings attention to pressing economic issues we face through congregational study action issues (CSA/Is) or Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs). Our recent efforts include the successful passage of the CSAI on “Escalating Inequality” (2014) and the Action of Immediate Witness to “Amend the Constitution: Corporations Are Not People and Money is Not Speech” (2013)
UUJEC Educates . . .
- We coordinate activities at UUA’s General Assembly and UUJEC sponsored events and film forums.
- We continue to develop and refine curricula on economic justice for UU congregations nationwide. To date, nearly 200 UU churches have used our materials.
- We maintain our social media presence with updated information and social justice materials. Our website and Facebook page enable UU activists to exchange information about economic justice work being done within the UU community.
UUJEC hosts notable guest lecturers on economic justice and grassroots action. Past speakers and allies include Dr. Michael Parenti, Amy Goodman, Dr. Peter Phillips, Chuck Collins and David Korten. Recent UUJEC sponsored events include “Escalating Inequality or Opportunity for All?” at the Unitarian Church of Evanston, IL. In 2015, and the Escalating Inequality Conference at UUA Headquarters, in Boston, Mass., also in 2015.
UUJEC Activates . . .
- We mobilize UUs to participate in national protest events.
- We equip UUs with the tools they need to collaboratively participate in local, national, and global advocacy.
UUJEC mobilizes around pressing issues, to bring UU’s from across the country together to change our economy and win economic justice. UUJEC has been on the front lines of many economic struggles, including antiglobalization protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the WTO Battle in Seattle, and coordinating consciousness-raising events against Wal-Mart with 100 UU congregations.