
To Join or Renew as a Member of UUJEC:

Join or continue your membership in the UUJEC with a tax-deductible membership donation. You can also make a general donation to support our work. Let your voice join the voice of others who work for economic justice.  You can contribute via our payment processor, Stripe.  

Annual dues are as follows: 

  • Regular Adult Membership $40 or sliding scale (electronic sliding scale option coming soon)
  • Low-income Membership $20
  • Congregation Membership $1/member
  • One-time Donation $5  
  • One-time Donation $100

You can make your Stripe donation by selecting your contribution choice below.  If you prefer to make your donation via check, you can print and mail this form with your donation. 

While a donation of record is necessary for voting membership, we understand that individuals and congregations have a range of resources.  Please make a donation to support UUJEC’s work that accords with your financial resources.  We welcome every one of you!